Query: 31-60 of 60 Results
Online Theses Libraray of MG University
Title / Sections Scholar Guide Branch of Study Year
Imperceptible watermarking techniques for digital image protection Jobin Abraham Varghese Paul Computer science 2018
Improved methods for computer generation of realistic images of three dimensional scenes Bindu, K Ramachandran Nair, K N Computer science 2010
Improved Virtual Test Bed and Testing Strategies for Antivirus and other Security Products Manusankar, C Varghese Paul Computer science 2019
Impulse noise removal with adaptive median filter based on homogeneity level information Praveen Kumar, B T Vijayakumar, R Computer science 2014
Integration of fuzzy logic in data mining to handle vagueness and uncertainty Binu Thomas Raju, G Computer science 2014
Location –Aware mobile management in a multi-access wireless network Muhamed Ilyas, P Vijayakumar, R Computer science 2016
Medical Image enhancement and analysis a frame work Shereena V B Raju G Computer science 2022
Mining social media information to predict social behavioural patterns Hima Suresh Gladston Raj, S Computer science 2018
Multimedia Content Protection by Biometrics – based Scalable Encryption and Watermarking Shameem Kappan Vijayakumar, R Computer science 2020
Novel approaches to machine recognition of handwritten Tamil documents Sobhana Mari, S Raju, G Computer science 2015
Novel approaches to medical image enhancement, segmentation and classification Nikesh P Raju, G Computer science 2022
Performance Optimization Techniques for Virtual Machines in Cloud Environment Anu, V.R Elizabeth Sherly Computer science 2019
Predicting breast cancer using data mining and soft computing techniques Sheba, K U Gladston Raj, S Computer science 2019
Predictive medical analytics using data mining techniques Terry Jacob Mathew Elizabeth Sherly Computer science 2019
Privacy Preservation of Moving Objects Trajectories in Location Based Systems Rajesh, N Sajimon Abraham Computer science 2021
Region Based 3D Face Recognition and its diverse application in Security and Medical domain Reji, R P Sojan Lal Computer science 2021
Security enhancement of real time database system based on encryption using TDMRC code Anjana S Chandran Varghese Paul Computer science 2015
Security Enhancement of TDMRC Encryption System by Increasing Randomness Antu Annam Thomas Varghese Paul Computer science 2020
Semantic query optimization and privacy preservation in ontology based semantic web Rubin T Jose Sojan Lal Computer science 2021
Soft computing approaches for image restoration and enhancement Madhu S Nair Raju, G Computer science 2013
Some discovery of user and search engine behavior from web logs Jeeva Jose, Sojan Lal, P Computer science 2016
Spatio Temporal Clustering on Semantic Trajectories Nishad, A Sajimon Abraham Computer science 2021
Studies on rough set theory with applications to data mining Sabu, M K Raju, G Computer science 2014
Study the effectiveness of Leaf Identification Methods Juby George Gladston Raj, S Computer science 2020
Swarm Intelligence Based Approaches to Feature Selection Leena C Sekhar Vijayakumar, R Computer science 2021
Texture based image segmentation and analysis of medical image Kumari Roshini, V S Raju, G Computer science 2012
The interoperability framework for integration of e- governance services based on semantics in Indian perspective Anu Paul Varghese Paul Computer science 2017
Trajectory data management in spatio- temporal Databases Sajimon Abraham Sojan Lal, P Computer science 2015
Unstructured Data Mining in Bigdata: A NoSQL Perspective Benymol Jose Sajimon Abraham Computer science 2021
Wavelet and soft computing techniques in detection of abnormalities in medical images Rajkumar, K K Raju, G Computer science 2014

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