Scholar |
Title / Sections |
Branch of Study |
Guide |
Year |
Binu Abraham (ബിനു ഏബ്രഹാം) |
ഭാഷയിലും സംസ്കാരത്തിലും മൊബൈൽ ഫോൺ: ഇടപെടലും പ്രസക്തിയും
(The mobile phone in language and culture: Intervention and relevance) |
Malayalam language |
Radhakrishnan, P S (പി എസ് രാധാകൃഷ്ണൻ) |
2015 |
Binu Ann Kuriachan
| Growth and technological changes in cement industry |
Economics |
Mani, K P |
2012 |
Binu Daniel |
Urban informal credit markets: Structure, dynamics and intermediation |
Economics |
Mohanakumar, P S |
2001 |
Binu George Varghese
| An analytical study of the incentive motivation of the badminton players at national level |
Physical education |
Jose James |
2009 |
Binu Mathew Job |
Developments in instore grocery retailing in Kerala and its linkage with consumer behaviour – a study |
Commerce |
Zacharias Thomas |
2019 |
Binu Raj, A
| Preparation and validation of computer based instructional package in Physics at the higher secondary level |
Education |
Celine Pereira |
2015 |
Binu Thomas |
Integration of fuzzy logic in data mining to handle vagueness and uncertainty |
Computer science |
Raju, G |
2014 |
Binu, B L
| Preparation and testing of a model for peer tutoring in mathematics at the secondary level |
Education |
Sudharma, A |
2012 |
Binu, D (बिनू, डी) |
हिन्दी कहानी साहित्य में व्यवस्था विरोधी स्वर – आठवें दशक के संदर्भ में (Hindi kahani sahitya meim vyavastha virodhi swar – Aattvem dasak ke sandarbh meim) |
Hindi literature |
Mathew Abraham (मैथ्यू अब्रहाम) |
2012 |
Binu, P
| Alterations in Electrophysiological and molecular machanism related to myocardial conduction under chemotherapetuic Stress |
Bioscience |
Harikumaran Nair, R |
2019 |
Binu, P J |
Synthesis of Nanomagnetic materials and study of their structural, magnetic and electrical properties |
Physics |
Mohammed, E M |
2013 |
Binu, R
| A Study of Neutrosophic Submodules and Applications |
Mathematics |
Paul Issac |
2021 |
Binuja Joseph |
The Mahatma and the narrative of the multitude: a study of select Indian fictional works. |
English literature |
Varghese C Abraham |
2017 |
Binuja Joseph
| The Mahatma and the narrative of the multitude a study of select Indian fictional works. |
English literature |
Varghese C Abraham |
2017 |
Binukumar, B N (बिनुकुमार, बी एन) |
छटे और सातवें दशकों की हिन्दी एवं मलयालम कहानियों में परिवर्तित जीवन मूल्यों की अभिव्यक्ति (Depiction of changing life values in Hindi-Malayalam short stories of VI and VII decades) |
Hindi literature |
Thomas, P M (थोमस, पी एम) |
2008 |
Bipin Babu
| Demographic transition and issues of ageing in Kerala: a study with special reference to Pathanamthitta district |
Economics |
Antony, M T |
2020 |
Bittu Ann Chacko |
Health status and healthcare expenditure of marine fisherfolks with heart disease in Kerala
Economics |
Roy Scaria |
2022 |
Blesson Jose
| Studies on the problem of solar coronal heating on the basis of magnetohydrodynamic wave theory |
Physics |
Antony, S |
2016 |
Blessy John |
Ecology of the Periphytic community in part of Periyar river in Kerala |
Zoology |
Sunil Kumar, R |
2022 |
Blessy Joseph
| Engineering of polymer composites for biomedical
Biotechnology |
Sabu Thomas, Nandakumar K and Jayachandran K |
2022 |
Blessy Paul, C |
India's Energy Security: The Gulf Factor |
Development studies |
Venugopal B Menon |
2021 |
Boban Eranimos
| A study on dreams of blinds |
Behavioural science |
Rajeev Kumar N |
2018 |
Bobby S. Prasad |
Phytochemical investigation and biological studies of selected Medicinal Plants with Antidiabetic activity |
Pharmacy |
Srinivasan, K K |
2016 |
Boby Augustin
| The extent of professionalism in Catholic Diocesan social service societies in Kerala
Gandhian studies |
Roy C Mathew |
2022 |
Boby Chacko |
മലയാള സിനിമയിലെ ജനപ്രിയകാഴ്ച കള്: സത്യന് അന്തിക്കാട്, കമല് എന്നിവരുടെ സിനിമകളെ അടിസ്ഥാനമാക്കിയുള്ള പഠനം(2000-10 സിനിമകള്)
Malayalam language |
Jose K Manuel |
2018 |
Boby Jose
| Ecological isolation of Babblers (Turdoides Spp.) |
Zoology |
Zacharias, V J |
2004 |
Boniface P.J |
Knowledge empowerment of farmers and agricultural extensionists in Kerala through information technology enabled systems(ITES) |
Economics |
A.M.Jose |
2019 |
Bose, R
| The emergence of women as the protagonist in Shashi Deshpande’s fiction |
English literature |
Gopalakrishnan Nair, N |
2014 |
Brigit Paul (ब्रिजित पोल) |
कृष्णा सोब्दी: व्यक्ति एवं साहित्य (Krishna Sobti and her works) |
Hindi literature |
Thomas, P M (थोमस, पी एम) |
2004 |
Brijesh George John
| Consumer behaviour in online shopping with special reference to Kerala |
Management studies |
Siby Zacharias |
2018 |