Query: 181-210 of 217 Results
Online Theses Libraray of MG University
Scholar Title / Sections Branch of Study Guide Year
Binu Abraham (ബിനു ഏബ്രഹാം) ഭാഷയിലും സംസ്കാരത്തിലും മൊബൈൽ ഫോൺ: ഇടപെടലും പ്രസക്തിയും (The mobile phone in language and culture: Intervention and relevance) Malayalam language Radhakrishnan, P S (പി എസ് രാധാകൃഷ്ണൻ) 2015
Binu Ann Kuriachan Growth and technological changes in cement industry Economics Mani, K P 2012
Binu Daniel Urban informal credit markets: Structure, dynamics and intermediation Economics Mohanakumar, P S 2001
Binu George Varghese An analytical study of the incentive motivation of the badminton players at national level Physical education Jose James 2009
Binu Mathew Job Developments in instore grocery retailing in Kerala and its linkage with consumer behaviour – a study Commerce Zacharias Thomas 2019
Binu Raj, A Preparation and validation of computer based instructional package in Physics at the higher secondary level Education Celine Pereira 2015
Binu Thomas Integration of fuzzy logic in data mining to handle vagueness and uncertainty Computer science Raju, G 2014
Binu, B L Preparation and testing of a model for peer tutoring in mathematics at the secondary level Education Sudharma, A 2012
Binu, D (बिनू, डी) हिन्दी कहानी साहित्य में व्यवस्था विरोधी स्वर – आठवें दशक के संदर्भ में (Hindi kahani sahitya meim vyavastha virodhi swar – Aattvem dasak ke sandarbh meim) Hindi literature Mathew Abraham (मैथ्यू अब्रहाम) 2012
Binu, P Alterations in Electrophysiological and molecular machanism related to myocardial conduction under chemotherapetuic Stress Bioscience Harikumaran Nair, R 2019
Binu, P J Synthesis of Nanomagnetic materials and study of their structural, magnetic and electrical properties Physics Mohammed, E M 2013
Binu, R A Study of Neutrosophic Submodules and Applications Mathematics Paul Issac 2021
Binuja Joseph The Mahatma and the narrative of the multitude: a study of select Indian fictional works. English literature Varghese C Abraham 2017
Binuja Joseph The Mahatma and the narrative of the multitude a study of select Indian fictional works. English literature Varghese C Abraham 2017
Binukumar, B N (बिनुकुमार, बी एन) छटे और सातवें दशकों की हिन्दी एवं मलयालम कहानियों में परिवर्तित जीवन मूल्यों की अभिव्यक्ति (Depiction of changing life values in Hindi-Malayalam short stories of VI and VII decades) Hindi literature Thomas, P M (थोमस, पी एम) 2008
Bipin Babu Demographic transition and issues of ageing in Kerala: a study with special reference to Pathanamthitta district Economics Antony, M T 2020
Bittu Ann Chacko Health status and healthcare expenditure of marine fisherfolks with heart disease in Kerala Economics Roy Scaria 2022
Blesson Jose Studies on the problem of solar coronal heating on the basis of magnetohydrodynamic wave theory Physics Antony, S 2016
Blessy John Ecology of the Periphytic community in part of Periyar river in Kerala Zoology Sunil Kumar, R 2022
Blessy Joseph Engineering of polymer composites for biomedical applications Biotechnology Sabu Thomas, Nandakumar K and Jayachandran K 2022
Blessy Paul, C India's Energy Security: The Gulf Factor Development studies Venugopal B Menon 2021
Boban Eranimos A study on dreams of blinds Behavioural science Rajeev Kumar N 2018
Bobby S. Prasad Phytochemical investigation and biological studies of selected Medicinal Plants with Antidiabetic activity Pharmacy Srinivasan, K K 2016
Boby Augustin The extent of professionalism in Catholic Diocesan social service societies in Kerala Gandhian studies Roy C Mathew 2022
Boby Chacko മലയാള സിനിമയിലെ ജനപ്രിയകാഴ്ച കള്‍: സത്യന്‍ അന്തിക്കാട്, കമല്‍ എന്നിവരുടെ സിനിമകളെ അടിസ്ഥാനമാക്കിയുള്ള പഠനം(2000-10 സിനിമകള്‍) Malayalam language Jose K Manuel 2018
Boby Jose Ecological isolation of Babblers (Turdoides Spp.) Zoology Zacharias, V J 2004
Boniface P.J Knowledge empowerment of farmers and agricultural extensionists in Kerala through information technology enabled systems(ITES) Economics A.M.Jose 2019
Bose, R The emergence of women as the protagonist in Shashi Deshpande’s fiction English literature Gopalakrishnan Nair, N 2014
Brigit Paul (ब्रिजित पोल) कृष्णा सोब्दी: व्यक्ति एवं साहित्य (Krishna Sobti and her works) Hindi literature Thomas, P M (थोमस, पी एम) 2004
Brijesh George John Consumer behaviour in online shopping with special reference to Kerala Management studies Siby Zacharias 2018

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