Query: 151-180 of 217 Results
Online Theses Libraray of MG University
Scholar Title / Sections Branch of Study Guide Year
Bindu, C Capital structure analysis of automobile companies in India Commerce Santhosh Kumar, S 2020
Bindu, K Improved methods for computer generation of realistic images of three dimensional scenes Computer science Ramachandran Nair, K N 2010
Bindu, K.R Synthesis and characterization of ZnS based nanophosphors for display and biomedical applications” Physics Anila, E.I 2019
Bindu, L Captive breeding protocols of two potential cultivable Fishes, Etroplus suratensis (Bloch) and Horabagrus brachysoma (Gunther) endemic to the Western Ghat region, Kerala Zoology Padmakumar, K G 2007
Bindu, M S Marital adjustment and its psychosocial correlates – A cross-cultural study of women in Kerala and Qatar Psychology Razeena Padmam, M S 2012
Bindu, M S Design of imprinted polymers with enhanced metal ion selectivity Chemistry Beena Mathew 2014
Bindu, P P Statistical applications in microarray technology and bioinformatics Statistics Sebastian George 2014
Bindu, R L Apprenticeship-type learning (ATL) model-development and its effect on Higher secondary students' achievement in Chemistry Education Sivadasan, K R 2008
Bindu, V R Design and development of an efficient solid modeller Computer science Ramachandran Nair, K N 2016
Binduji, K R മൂല്യവിചാരണ കെ.ടി.മുഹമ്മദിന്റെ നാടകങ്ങളിൽ (The Trial of values in the plays of K. T. Muhammad) Malayalam language and literature Joshy Varghese 2020
Bindumol, B (ബിന്ദുമോള്‍, ബി) പാത്രരചന ഉറൂബിന്റേയും എം ടി യുടേയും നോവലുകളില്‍ : സാമൂഹ്യശാസ്ത്രപരമായ സമീപനം (Characterisation in the fictions of Uroob and M T: A sociological approach) Malayalam literature Leelamma, C P (ലീലാമ്മ, സി പി) 2004
Bindumol, K K Attitude of College Teachers towards CBCSS in relation to their Classroom Management, Work Anxiety and Socio-Personal adjustment Education Celine Pereria 2016
Bini George Macromolecular characteristics in the design of metal ion specific polymers Chemistry Beena Mathew 1999
Bini Mathew Novel cycloaddition reactions of o-thioquinones Chemistry Vijay Nair, G 2002
Binija George A study on the problems of micro, small and medium enterprises in Kerala Commerce J. Nalini 2019
Binil Eldhose Evaluation of anticancer and antioxidant activity of Plumbago Indica Biotechnology Jayachandran K 2017
Binila K Korah Carbon Dots as a sustainable Nanoplatform for Multifaceted Applications Chemistry Beena Mathew 2023
Binimol Punnoose A study of fuzzy topological vector spaces Mathematics Sunny Kuriakose, A 2007
Binish, M B Sulfate reducing bacteria and mercury methylation in a tropical estuary and an Arctic fjord Environmental sciences Mahesh Mohan 2022
Binny Thomas Investigation of the properties of certain important materials in the nano-phase regime Physics Abdul Khadar, M 1994
Bino Joy Motivation of school teachers in Kerala - An assessment of quality dimensions consequent to reforms in the education sector Commerce Gabriel Simon Thattil 2009
Binoi K Kurian Management of marketing systems for perishable agriculture commodities in Kerala: Problems and prospects Gandhian studies John, M S 2008
Binoj Jose Strategic implications of nuclear Pakistan: A study of Pakistan’s nuclear programme International relations Vinodan, C 2015
Binoy A A Colonical modernity and caste reforms in Kerala Implications for dalit cuture and identity Social work, social science Sanal Mohan, P 2022
Binoy Chacko Impact of corporate governance on financial performance of listed banks in India a panel data analysis Commerce Gireesh Kumar, G S 2022
Binoy Jacob A statistical approach to Godel’s Theorems with reference to central limit property Statistics Jose, K K 2015
Binoy Mathew Role of incentives in labour productivity: A case study of selected Public sector undertakings in Kerala Commerce Rajagopala Nair 2004
Binoy T Thomas Ecology and biodiversity of soil Algae of Pathanamthitta District, Kerala Botany Ray, J G 2013
Binoy Vincent Investment behaviour of salaried women in Kerala Commerce Jacob Thomas 2022
Bins M Mathew (ബിൻസ് എം മാത്യു) Adunikakavithyum puthukavithayum oru tharathamya padanam (അധുനിക കവിതയും പുതുകവിതയും ഒരു താരതമ്യ പഠനം) Malayalam language Babu Sebastian (ബാബു സെബാസ്റ്റ്യൻ) 2015

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