Query: 121-150 of 217 Results
Online Theses Libraray of MG University
Scholar Title / Sections Branch of Study Guide Year
Bince Mani Bioactivities, genetic analysis and conservation of Pittosporum Dasycaulon Miq.(Pittosporaceae) from the Western Ghats Botany Dennis Thomas, T 2016
Binchu V Shaji Insulin mediated regulation of peptidylarginine deiminase 4 Biosciences (biotechnology) Anie Y 2021
Bincy K Jose Investigations in grid integrated PV systems and efficient energy harvesting under partially shaded conditions Engineering & technology Vincent G 2022
Bincy Thomas Effectiveness of mental modelling based on multiple strategy instruction for enhancing reading competency in English among upper primary school students Education Jaya Jaise 2015
Bincy Titus Effectiveness of synectics model and gaming strategy on achievement and creativity in Mathematics among secondary school students Education Sajna Jaleel 2017
Bincy, P.J പെരുമ്പടവം ശ്രീധരന്റെ നോവലുകളിലെ ആഖ്യാനകല :ഒരു പഠനം (Art of Narration in the Novels of Perumbadavom Sreedharan. A study) Malayalam literature Saramma, K 2018
Bincymol, C G (बिन्सीमोल, सी जी) श्रीलाल शुक्ल के उपन्यासों में सामाजिक चेतना ( Shrilal Shukla ke upanyason mein samajik chetna Hindi literature Ajith Kumar, P K (डॉ: पी के अजित कुमार) 2016
Bindhu Jose Political socialization of tribes : a study on Angami tribe of Nagaland Political science Stany Thomas 2019
Bindhukala, P N (बिन्दुकला, पी एन) हरिशंकर परसाई और डॉ गोविन्द शेनाय की रचनाओं में हास्य-व्यंग्य एक तुलनात्मक अध्ययन (Harisankar Parsai our Dr Govinda Shenai ki rachanaom mem hasya-vangya ek thulanatmak adhyayan) Hindi literature Abraham, A J (अब्रहाम, ए जे) 2011
Bindo Varghese Paristhithi DarshanathileChrysthava prathinidhanangal, ONV yudeyum Sugathakumariyudeyum kavithakale munnirthiyulla padanam ( പരിസ്ഥിതി ദർശനത്തിലെ ക്രൈസ്തവ പ്രതിനിധാനങ്ങൾ , ഓഎൻവീ യുടെയും സുഗതകുമാരിയുടെയും കവിതകളെ മുൻനിർത്തിയുള്ള പഠനം ) Malayalam language and literature Sibu M Eapen 2022
Bindu A R Phytochemical and anti-inflammatory screening of selected medicinal plants Pharmacy Aleykutty N A 2017
Bindu Abraham Modeling and analysis of queuing systems with discrete autoregressive arrivals and counting processes Statistics Jose, K K 2013
Bindu Achamma Koshy Perceptual analysis on adoption of mobile banking in Kerala Commerce Joy Joseph Puthussery 2020
Bindu Alex A study on the impact of Cottage industry effluents on Phytoplankton Botany Merlee Teresa, M V (Sr) 2006
Bindu G Nair Transparent Conducting CuInO2 thin films (doped and undoped) via Activated Reactive Evaporation: A Study on Structural, Optical, Electrical and Transport properties Physics Rachel Reena Philip 2019
Bindu Jamal The politics, ideology and method of space: A study of selected fiction of J M Coetzee English literature Varghese John 2013
Bindu Joseph Development of a package for enhancing Pedagogical Content Knowledge of Secondary School Teachers in Malayalam Education Exemmal, J 2016
Bindu K A study on pilgrim tourism in Kerala Commerce Vasanthakumari, P 2016
Bindu K A Critical study of customer relationship management in retail banking Management studies Raman Nair V 2017
Bindu M Nambiar The phenomenon of recidivism - Its implications on the reformative theory of punishment in criminal jurisprudence Law Sukumari Antherjanam, D 2008
Bindu Menon, M P A study on job satisfaction and institutional commitment among school teachers in Kerala Commerce Jose, K G 2017
Bindu N Paniker Solid phase synthesis of Somatostatin analogue Peptides on Polystyrene-1, 6-hexanediol Diacrylate support Chemistry Rajasekharan Pillai, V N 2001
Bindu Nair The discourse of class, ecology and gender in the selected fiction of Mahasweta Devi English literature Geetha, P 2012
Bindu Nair Development of women entrepreneurs in tourism in the backwater areas of Kuttanadu, Kumbalangi, Kuttampuzha and Cherai Gandhian studies Roy C Mathew 2015
Bindu Oommen (बिंदु उम्मेन) कमलेश्वर के उपन्यसोन मैन मूल्य संक्रमण (Kamaleshwar ke upanyason mein mulya sankraman) Hindi literature Mini George (मिनी जाँर्ज) 2015
Bindu P V Malathi Joshi ki kahaniyom mein Naari chethana Hindi literature Georgekutty, V V 2017
Bindu S കേരളത്തിന്റെ സാമൂഹിക പരിണാമം ആത്മകഥാ സാഹിത്യത്തിൽ (തെരഞ്ഞെടുത്ത ആത്മകഥകളെ അടിസ്ഥാനമാക്കി ഒരു പഠനം) Malayalam lanuage and literature M S Paul 2022
Bindu S Nair Demographic correlates of work motivation: A comparative study of the IT (Software) and non-IT industries of Kerala and Karnataka Management studies Mathew J Manimala 2012
Bindu T Abraham Studies on the potential of Colocasia esculenta (L) schott in wastewater treatment and recovery of energy Environmental science Ramasamy, E V 2009
Bindu, A C (ബിന്ദു, എ സി) മലയാള നോവലുകളിലെ കൃഷി മലയാളം (Malayala Novalukalile krishi Malayalam) Malayalam literature Saramma, K (സാറാമ്മ, കെ) 2010

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