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Online Theses Libraray of MG University
Scholar Title / Sections Branch of Study Guide Year
Baiju, R (बैजू, आर) हिन्दी नाट्य साहित्य को कथाकारों की देन (स्वातन्त्र्योत्तर युग के संदर्भ में) (Hindi natya sahitya ko kathakarom ki den (swathanthryothar yug ke sandarbh meim) Hindi literature Mini George (मिनी जाँर्ज) 2010
Baju George Problems and Prospects of Kerala Labour Force in the Middle East Commerce Ramesh B 2005
Balachandran Kunji, P K (ബാലചന്ദ്രന്‍ കുഞ്ഞി, പി കെ) മലയാള ബാലകവിത - ഒരു വിമര്‍ശനാത്മക പഠനം (A critical study of Malayala balakavitha) Malayalam literature Samuel Chandanappally (സാമുവല്‍ ചന്ദനപ്പള്ളി) 2002
Balachandran, K P Investigation of the relationship between atmospheric electrical conductivity and meteorological parameters Physics Murali Das, S 2012
Balakrishnan, N C Marketing approach to public road transport management Management studies Mukunda Das, V 2010
Banazair, O A Biomonitoring of Chalakudi river using benthic macro invertebrates Environmental sciences Christopher, G and Sylas V P 2022
Bashi, M B Identification and characterisation of bioactive molecules from Ayurvedic decoction, Punarnavadi Kashayam Bioscience (biotechnology) Prakash Kumar, B 2021
Basil John Thomas Mutual fund investors’ behaviour in Kerala Business administration Sulaiman, E 2014
Beela, G K A study on responses of Neonates of Kerala and Gulf Countries with reference to Maternal stress, expectation, acceptance, gestation period, mode of delivery and gender Home science Indulekha, K V 2004
Beelakumari, P K (ബീലാകുമാരി, പി കെ) കര്‍ഷക ജീവിതം മലയാള ചെറുകഥയില്‍ - തകഴി, ഉറൂബ്, ടി കെ സി വടുതല ഇവരുടെ കഥകളെ അടിസ്ഥാനമാക്കി ഒരു പഠനം (Peasant life reflected in Malayalam short stories with special reference to Thakazhi, Uroob and T K C Vaduthala) Malayalam literature Vasanthan, S K (വസന്തന്‍, എസ് കെ) 2007
Beena B Nair Impact of some common pesticides on selected Phytoplankters Botany Merlee Teresa, M V (Sr) 2004
Beena Cherian Effect of different storage conditions on shelf life nutritive value and palatability of cultivated edible mushroom Home science Shilpa Jose 2022
Beena George Empowering rural women through microfinancing – A comparative study of the contributions of Governmental and non-governmental organizations in Central Kerala Gandhian studies George, T M 2009
Beena Job Resolution and irresolution: An exposition of scepticism and faith in the poetry of Denise Levertov and Emily Dickinson English literature Nithyanantha Bhat, V 2009
Beena Mathew Crosslinked polymer-supported ligands as complexing agents for metal ions: Effect of the variables of macromolecular structure on complexation Chemistry Rajasekharan Pillai, V N 1991
Beena Mathew The effect of laughter Yoga on selected psycho physiological variables among the elderly clients residing in the old age homes of Kottayam District Psychology Dr Sr. Mary Lucita (Dr Agasa, K S) 2015
Beena P A Study On Queueing Inventory Systems With Production And Multiple Vacations Mathematics Jose, K P 2022
Beena Rani, S Development of a multimedia package for augmenting phonemic awareness and vocabulary instruction in English at the elementary level with special reference to Dyslexic students Education Saratchandra Raj, G 2015
Beena Thomas Synthesis and catalytic studies of Chiral-4-(2-Hydroxy-2,2-Diarylethyl)- 2,2-Dimethyl-a,a,a',a'-Tetra aryl-1,3- Dioxolane-4,5-Dimethanols Chemistry Ibnusaud, I 2003
Beena Thomas Design, Synthesis and Biological Screening of Heterocycles with Azetidinone, Thiazolidinone, and related rings Pharmacy Jyoti Harindran,
Devaky, K S
Beena, K Influence of certain socio-psychological factors on the vocational skill attainment of orthopaedically handicapped adolescents Education Celine Pereira 2008
Beena, K Studies on the status of drinking water quality of Pathanamthitta District (Kerala state, India) with special reference to tribal settlements Zoology Manu Oommen,
Thomas, A P
Beena, M K (ബീന എം കെ) മലയാളത്തിലെ സ്ത്രീകളുടെ ആത്മകഥകൾ: സ്ത്രീവാദപ്രസ്ഥാനങ്ങളുടെ ആവിർഭാവത്തിനു മുൻപും പിൻപും : ഒരു താരതമ്യപഠനം (Women autobiographies in Malayalam before and after the feminist movement: A comparative study) Malayalam language Saradakutty, S (ഡോ. ശാരദക്കുട്ടി എസ്) 2015
Beena, P Locating Women Labourers in The Plantations of Malabar 1850-1950 History Jayasree, C H 2021
Beena, S Empowerment of women in the informal sector in Kerala: A study with special reference to Kudumbashree project Commerce Ramesh, B 2013
Beenamma Mathew (ബീനാമ്മ മാത്യു) സ്ത്രീപുരുഷബന്ധം മലയാള ചെറുകഥയില്‍ (Male-female relationship in Malayalam short story) Malayalam literature Vinayachandran Pillai, D (വിനയചന്ദ്രന്‍ പിള്ള, ഡി) 2003
Beesa P. Bhaskar ശാസ്ത്രത്തിന്റെയും സംസ്കാരത്തിന്റെയും സമന്വയം സി. രാധാകൃഷ്ണന്റെ നോവലുകളിൽ (The symbiosis of science and culture in the novels of C.Radhakrishnan) Malayalam literature Joshy Varghese 2017
Bejoy Francis Studies on Epoxy resin systems modified with Ether ketone/Ether sulfone containing polymers Chemistry Ramaswamy, R ,
Sabu Thomas ,
Lakshmana Rao, V
Benazir, K K A new proposal to enhance the features of biometric authentication Computer science Vijayakuamr, R 2016
Bendas, D S The impact of Vedanta on the integral Yoga of Maharshi Aurobindo Philosophy Girishkumar, T S 2016

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