Query: 1-30 of 217 Results
Online Theses Libraray of MG University
Scholar Title / Sections Branch of Study Guide Year
Babitha D Yamuna A Study of the Musical Contributions of Cherthala R. Gopalan Nair to Carnatic Music Music fine arts Kumari Valsala 2021
Babitha K.Kuniyil Synthesis and characterization of cerium oxide nanoparticles and their composites Physics Thomas Varghese 2018
Babitha Mathews Development of physical education activity manual for school children in Kerala State Physical education Jayashree Acharya 2015
Babitha Suresh The effect of interactive approach model in teaching English as Second language Education Sivadasan, K R 2002
Babu Antony State response towards human rights violations among Adivasis in Wayanad District. Political science Mathew, M M 2015
Babu Cherian (ബാബു ചെറിയാന്‍) മലയാളഭാഷയ്ക്കും സാഹിത്യത്തിനും ബെഞ്ചമിന്‍ ബെയിലിയുടെ സംഭാവനകള്‍ (Benjamin Bailey's contributions towards Malayalam language and literature) Malayalam literature Mathew, T V (മാത്യു, റ്റി വി) 2006
Babu George A Study of Autism-Developing and validating a Diagnostic Clinical tool Behavioural science Razeena Padmam, M S 2016
Babu Joseph State and labour welfare: Formalisation of the informal labour market in Kerala Economics Raju, S 2004
Babu Joseph (बाबू जाँसफ) स्वातन्त्रयोत्तर हिन्दी और मलयालम उपन्यासों में अलगाव-बोधः एक तुलनात्मक अध्ययन (Swathanthryother Hindi aur Malayalam upanyasom mem alagav bodth: Ek thulanatmak adhyayan) Hindi literature Joseph, N K (जाँसफ, एन के) 1993
Babu Padmakumar A Study on the Vegetative Carbon Sequestration in the Selected Forest and Non Forest Ecosystems of Idukki District Kerala Environmental science Thomas , A. P 2019
Babu Sebastian Consumer behaviour and perception towards Life Insurance products in Kerala Commerce Baby, M D 2016
Babu Thomas A study of competitiveness of industries in Kerala to meet the challenges of liberalised economy Economics Jose, R V 2012
Babu, G Study on the activated sludge process for pollution abatement in a Caprolactam Plant Chemistry Winny Varghese 2004
Babu, K T Aesthetics and politics of language in Adrienne Rich English literature Augustine Joseph,
Mathew Joseph
Babu, P K Narrative consciousness in William Faulkner, John Barth and E L Doctorow English literature Harris, V C 2004
Babuji, M G (ബാബുജി, എം ജി) മതാത്മക ബിംബങ്ങളും പദാവലിയും ജി ശങ്കരക്കുറുപ്പ്, ഒ എന്‍ വി കുറുപ്പ് എന്നിവരുടെ കവിതകളില്‍ - ഒരു പഠനം (Religious images and vocabulary in the works of G Sankarakurup and O N V Kurup - A study) Malayalam literature Vijayakrishnan, N (വിജയകൃഷ്ണന്‍, എന്‍) 2004
Babumon Edampadam (ബാബുമോന്‍ ഇടംപാടം) ആഖ്യാനവും പ്രതിനിധാനവും ജനപ്രിയ മലയാള സിനിമകളെ മുന്‍ നിര്‍ത്തിയുള്ള പഠനം (Narration and representation: A study based on popular Malayalam cinema) Malayalam literature Jose K Manuel (ജോസ് കെ മാനുവല്‍) 2014
Baburaj T.S Effectiveness of micro finance system through self help groups A study on the extent of women empowerment in Kottayam district of Kerala Political science N.C Jacob 2019
Baburaj, M S Interaction of small molecules and ions with self assembled membranes Chemistry Aravindakumar, C T 2011
Baby Joseph The voiceless little tragedies of the soul: A study of the selected novels of Henry James English literature Mathew Joseph 2005
Baby Laila, C Biochemical and pharmacological investigations on indigenous drugs and principles Chemistry Babu Philip 1998
Baby Salini, P.V Prospects and Challenges of Ecotourism - with special reference to wildlife sanctuaries in Kerala Economics Sankaranarayanan, K. C 2019
Baby Sebastian United State’s Nicaragua policy International relations Thomas, A M 2009
Baby Sebastian (ബേബി സെബാസ്റ്റ്യന്‍) അസ്തിത്വവാദത്തിന്റെ സ്വാധീനം മലയാളത്തിലെ ആധുനിക നോവലുകളില്‍ - ഒ വി വിജയന്‍, കാക്കനാടന്‍, മുകുന്ദന്‍, ആനന്ദ് എന്നിവരെ ആധാരമാക്കി ഒരു പഠനം (Influence of existentialism on modern Malayalam novel: With special reference to O V Vijayan, Kakkanadan, Mukundan and Anand - A study) Malayalam literature Gopalakrishnan Nair, M (ഗോപാലകൃഷ്ണന്‍ നായര്‍, എം) 2004
Baby Shabeela, V. V Development of e-content using interactive softwares on problem solving skills, technical skills and achievement in computer science of students at higher secondary level Education Sajna Jaleel 2020
Baby Thomas A theoretical study of strain in Spiranes and related species Chemistry Pius, K 2006
Baby Ushakiran, M S Evaluation of Phycocolloid content among the commercially important seaweeds of Kerala Coast Botany Avita (Sr) 2014
Baby, K T Violence in the poetry of Ted Hughes: An organic growth English literature Chacko, P M 1998
Baby, P Y (बेबी, पी वै) निराला के काव्यों में प्रगतिशील तत्व (Progressive elements in the poems of Nirala) Hindi literature Cherian George (चेरियान जाँर्ज) 2003
Baby, V O An evaluation of community housing projects under people’s plan in Kerala – A case study of Thrissur District Economics Stephanson, K A 2013

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